TILT: Technology Integration Lead Team in HRCE

Who is the Technology Integration Lead Team (TILT)?

We help teachers integrate technology in the Public Schools Program and curriculum in order to maximize student learning, experience, and engagement. We provide mentoring and support as well as professional development from one-on-one to large groups. 

Our focus is on supporting the curriculum through the use of educational technology.  This can include expanding knowledge and skills with any of the Google Apps (Classroom/Docs/Slides/Forms/Sites/Draw, etc.), developing digital storytelling products using WeVideo, stop motion, and green screen; coding online and with robots including the Beebots, Dash, Sphero, and Codey Rocky; promoting digital communication including digital literacy skills, digital citizenship and tools such as Flip; facilitating maker learning opportunities with the integration of maker carts, makey makeys, and 3d printers; augmenting instruction with virtual tools such as Cospaces and Bloxels.

Feel free to contact us at tilt@hrce.ca and be sure to follow us on Twitter @TILTHRCE

Sign up for the TILT Newsletter - bit.ly/tiltnews
